Words, Music, Memory: (Re)presenting Voices of the Holocaust”

Adina Langer has created and curated the exhibit “Words, Music, Memory: (Re)presenting Voices of the Holocaust. This ten-panel exhibit, along with an accompanying digital gallery guide, focuses on the links along the “chain of commemoration that connect the past and the present, and generation to generation.”

The exhibit debuted September 19, 2021 at a concert given by soprano Sheena Ramirez, oboe/english hornist Jeanette Zyko and pianist Jeremiah Padillo. The concert featured works composed by Dr. Laurence Sherr and myself. In fact, Sheena’s doctoral dissertation focuses on the four Holocaust-themed cycles I have composed for soprano and instruments: I Never Saw Another Butterfly, In Sleep The World is Yours, The Ocean of Eternity and The Secret Exit.

Included on the panels are the words of writers who witnessed the Holocaust, whereas the digital gallery includes additional information about the musical and dramatic pieces along with interviews with composers, lyricists, and performers.

The exhibit will remain up until Nov 9th, 2021, when it be be shown at a closing concert in honor of Kristallnacht — “Kristallnacht Commemoration” will feature Cory Schantz, baritone; KSU Chamber Singers, Leslie J. Blackwell, conductor; and Laurence Sherr, composer, and include Sherr’s own “Fugitive Footsteps” in this moving concert commemorating the Holocaust. Tickets are available here.

For more information and to view the Gallery Guide, please click here.