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Entries in Jandrakovic [Jama] (5)


July, 95 Degrees

2004 | soprano/piano

Poem by Jama Jandrokovic

Song 5 of Five Lovers

Commissioned by Jama Jandrokovic

A recording can be found on Jama Jandrokovic's site.


Lovely in His Bones

2004 | soprano/piano

Poem by Jama Jandrokovic

Song 2 of Five Lovers

Commissioned by Jama Jandrokovic


Some newer editions may already have these corrections.

  • m. 3: voice entrance, should be forte
  • m. 4: add tenuto to D sharp on beat 3 in voice
  • m. 5: “bones” should now be a half note only
  • m. 8: voice should breathe before “not”
  • m. 10: “streets” should now be a half note only.
  • m. 17: voice: I changed the 8ths notes on “col-or” to 2 quarters, to give the word more emphasis.

On Meeting Again

2004 | soprano/piano

Poem by Jama Jandrokovic

Song 1 of Five Lovers

Commissioned by Jama Jandrokovic


Some newer editions may already have these corrections.

  • opening tempo is closer to quarter =80, but the whole piece remains quite flexible in tempo.

Second Date

2004 | soprano/piano

Poem by Jama Jandrokovic

Song 4 of Five Lovers

Commissioned by Jama Jandrokovic


Some newer editions may already have these corrections.

  • opening tempo should be quarter = 76
  • m. 7: Voice: “stor-ies” should be tied to a quarter, not to a dotted half
  • m. 24: “off your” can alternately be sung as dotted 8th followed by 16th
  • m. 25: voice: rhythm on “in the” changed to dotted 8th followed by 16th
  • m. 35: voice: “sal-mon” is now tied to a quarter, not a dotted half
  • m. 37: voice: joke should just be a quarter note (no tie into next measure)

This Morning

2004 | soprano/piano

Poem by Jama Jandrokovic

Song 3 of Five Lovers

Commissioned by Jama Jandrokovic


Some newer editions may already have these corrections.

  • opening tempo is closer to half note=69
  • m. 20: “noth-ing” should now be sung on two 8ths tied to a quarter, and then rest
  • m. 28: voice: “pack-age” should now be sung on 2 8ths tied to a quarter (or if you’d prefer to a dotted half, but definitely rest starting on measure 29)
  • m. 30: tempo should be “Slightly Slower” (not “A Tempo”)